Saturday, October 9, 2010

Thank you!

Dear God,
Thank you for blessing us with such good friends. 
We love our neighbors and feel so grateful to have our little home. 
Help us to be good neighbors in return.
So many people have been good to us.
On my first week back to work, two families brought us meals,
others covered us in prayers.
Thank you.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Untended children

Somehow children know when their parents aren't really paying attention to them and will step out of their routine to try something new.  It's kind of the built in, don't ask first for then you can't be told 'no.'  Last night while I was downloading photos on the computer and daddy was absorbed in something else, Jake stepped into the shower to help us clean.  Ummmm....right.  Now we have a lovely soap scum layer on the shower door that wasn't there before.  Thanks, son.  One of Jake's favorite things to do in this world is finger paint.  Guess it's good that his medium of choice this time was soap and not something laden with bacteria.