Sunday, November 16, 2008

First post

So I've long censored web log entries on Jake's page, preferring to stick with a photo log of Jake growing up and scribing long rambling messages in my head until they fade into oblivion. But now, here's an interruption to the program!

I've gotten such a kick out of following the blogs of friends and family. (And even friends of friends and friends of family...) While I may not be too great at maintaining communication via phone calls or emails, I am quite faithful at sitting down and checking blogs! More faithful than some are in updating their pages. : ) So keep 'em coming. I feel like I know a little of what's going on in your lives. And that makes me feel closer. Makes the world smaller. (Oh, and I reserve the right to set aside my English teacher cap on this site. It's my perogative as a writer.)
So, Mom, if you are the only one reading this. Hi. I miss you. Wish you lived closer. I love you.

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