Sunday, March 15, 2009

Bidding a friend goodbye

So while I'm not exactly having buyer's remorse in purchasing a new Dell computer today, I do feel a little odd at replacing an item before it totally crashes. On the way into Micro Center, Jess posed the question, "So, are we the PC or the Mac? The old guy or the young guy?" Since we don't want to replace a keyboard or screen or have any issues with compatability, we remain a PC family. "The old guy," I responded. "Oh." Long pause. He continued, "I'm okay with that." Yeah, I'm okay with that too, though the marketing for Apple is WAY cooler than PC. (Though PC is starting to do something with that!)

This is my last entry on our trusty old Dell. Dad and Mom gave this computer to us as a wedding present nearly six years ago. It's served us well. But, unfortunately it doesn't have the capacity to utilize our web cam. Perhaps, after resting in the closet for a year or two, we can resurrect it for Jake when he's older. Jake's certainly shown fascination in it.

Other appearances

As you can see, it made random appearances throughout the year. Here it shows up in a scene performance of Macbeth.

By hook or nook

This photo was taken about six years ago. (Campbell High School in the background.) For $50 I purchased this chain mail as a hook for our Middle Ages unit in British Literature. Not only did it help captivate interest, it also became a badge of honor to make it through a whole English class wearing the heavy device!
Currently I'm trying a blog with my 8th graders. Feel free to post a comment on one of their observations on The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank.

Celebrating Cousins

One of my favorite things about my sister is her enthusiasm for life. Everything has the potential for an adventure. Everything of beauty, wonder and interest is worthy of looking at it wide-eyed, full of wonder. I love how she has shared this interest with her sons. Actually, this interest also spans death, too. You never know when she'll pull over on the side of the road to pick up a carcass in the name of science. : ) Wonder what's currently hiding in her freezer for a rainy day biology observation. There's certainly a reason she was dubbed "Critter" at a young age.

Zion, Zoey & Abi...the big three. I love how this photo captures such interesting expressions. Wonder what was going on in those little minds?! Cousin time is precious, especially since miles separate most of our families.

This was the year croquet was introduced to Festivus. 2003? What a unifying game. I think even the dogs served as obstacles or wickets.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Moments in time

We are about to purchase a new computer. This one has served us well but it doesn't have enough memory to install our Christmas present from Mom--a web cam for weekly Skypping. I'm in the process of sifting through digital photographs from the past six years. There are a handful of pictures that I don't want to lose so I'm walking through memory lane and attaching a handful on this blog. Take this one, for example...
Taken on the day of Kristin & Sam's Michigan wedding, it is the last shot of my family together. Two weeks later Dad went Home to Heaven. It's also the last picture that my Dad sent me in the mail. He was famous for insuring that every person featured in a particular picture had a copy (or three). The camera stores loved him for he would routinely order doubles, triples or even quadruples of every picture he took, even if it was of a squirrel, flower or rock.

You often wonder...would you want to know if something was your last? Last hug? Last conscious moment together? Last letter? Last message on a voice mail? I guess the unknown is why we need to treat each moment as a special moment. My Dad was good at that. He lived in the moment. He carried a peace, a contentment, a joy within him. He focused on whatever was at hand, not often getting distracted by busy-ness or what lay ahead. Dad loved life. He loved people. He never lost his sense of wonder. I hope that this is something I can successfully teach Jake.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I love my Mom. I have been so blessed to have a model of God's grace and unconditional love in her. When I see this photo I automatically feel the conflicting emotions of grief and joy. Before my wedding day I didn't understand that these polarities could exist on the same plane, in the same heart at the same time. Now I know. The human heart has such capacity.

Silly honeymoon pictures

Sun-kissed and relaxed on St. Thomas...
Jess always humors my fancy for cheesy pictures. Thanks, hon!