So while I'm not exactly having buyer's remorse in purchasing a new Dell computer today, I do feel a little odd at replacing an item before it totally crashes. On the way into Micro Center, Jess posed the question, "So, are we the PC or the Mac? The old guy or the young guy?" Since we don't want to replace a keyboard or screen or have any issues with compatability, we remain a PC family. "The old guy," I responded. "Oh." Long pause. He continued, "I'm okay with that." Yeah, I'm okay with that too, though the marketing for Apple is WAY cooler than PC. (Though PC is starting to do something with that!)
This is my last entry on our trusty old Dell. Dad and Mom gave this computer to us as a wedding present nearly six years ago. It's served us well. But, unfortunately it doesn't have the capacity to utilize our web cam. Perhaps, after resting in the closet for a year or two, we can resurrect it for Jake when he's older. Jake's certainly shown fascination in it.