Friday, August 13, 2010

Introducing... Guitar Fish

Lead Guitarist...Pamela rock the house Kutzner
Drummer (on the guitar)--Double J
Lead vocalist (subbing on drums)-Christina-Koo Koo Ka Choo- Canto
Bassist-Uncle-slap some cheese up on that-Michael
Quinn-vocals (harmony)
Rock Band is my new favorite game.  Our friends let us borrow their X Box while they are out of town and  this game has taught me a couple of truths...
1.  I don't know the words to songs as well as I think I do.
2.  You get to know people you think you already know in a new way.
3.  This takes multi-tasking to a whole new level.
4.  I now understand the phenonema on American Idol auditions when an individual thinks he/she is really good at something but isn't.
5.  Rock Band is an incredible ice-breaker.
6.  Time has no meaning when you are rocking out.

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