Monday, February 13, 2012

Game plug

Gotta take a moment to plug our new family favorite game.  (New as in Christmas.) Memory, the matching game hadn't really captivated Jake, despite my numerous attempts.  It was actually kind of frustrating playing with him since his attention would wander and he didn't really pay attention to the simple rules.  Not sure what compelled me to purchase this game before our holiday since we already had two versions of Memory but I suppose it was a glimmer of hope that THESE characters would be the hook.  So it's not so much the characters that excited him, though he is awfully fond of Cars 2, it was the added element of RACING.  Now it's our family favorite!  We play it several times a day and Jake's gotten so good at finding matches.  And I'm THRILLED to have someone else in the house that loves to play games! It's a win-win situation! 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Health eating update

So I haven't been a very creative vegan cook yet, though I have been consistent in offering up my family a vegan meal every week since my first post. Veggie stir fry and rice and beans are the two meals I've woven into our repetoire.  My friend Daphne gave me a book as inspiration, though I've been consumed with reading for school and book club. I have officially switched to buying almond milk for our cereal and Ezekial bread makes a yummy cinnamon raisin toast so mornings are a bit healthier.  Plus, I purchased some organic brown ricecakes that Quinn and I enjoy snacking on, though Daddy and Jake aren't too impressed.