Tuesday, March 15, 2011


In the fall the Spirit prompted me to apply for a GlobalX mission trip.  At the time I didn't feel strongly called to a particular destination, just to obedience of an application.  I perused the many destinations and picked two trips that fit into my summer schedule...Haiti & Venezuela.  Two weeks ago I received a phone call from Heather, a woman who works in GlobalX.  She said that they were building a small team by invite only to go to Brazil and minister to their small group leaders, would I be interested in becoming a part of their team?!  Immediately the Spirit confirmed that this is where God wanted me to go. 

We had our first meeting on Thursday.  It was run like a first time small group, building unity through testimonies, though we got a couple of details on the overview of the trip.  We'll fly into Sao Paulo on a red eye June 3.  We'll be able to attend KidStuf-Brazilian style Sunday morning and then worship at their evening service.  Our main mission starts mid-week...ministering to their small groups with a multi-evening retreat.  Since community group life has been such  huge part of my faith walk, I'm SO excited to share how small groups can make an impact on life. 

Several years ago Jess and I went on a mission trip to Bolivia.  That experience transformed us in ways that still show today! I wonder what God has in store for me in Brazil...

Keep tracking with me!  I hope to post several times prior to our departure, during our mission and after we return!  Thanks for checking in!  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I join many others, I know, in praying for God to bless your trip to Brazil as you work to become the light and salt Christ charges us to be in the world. Your energy and passion will "fire up" both your mission team and the fortunate folk to whom you will minister in Brazil!
Ever your fan,