Thursday, June 2, 2011

36 hours until departure

Wrapping up the school year and balancing my roles as wife and mother have consumed me of late but now that school is over, I realize that my trip to Brazil is imminent! 

Last weekend I told Jake about my trip and he seemed pretty non-plussed.  "That's okay, Mommy.  I'll hang out with Daddy."  Yet todayI kept them home in the morning for some extra time together and Jake demonstrated extra whineyness and petulance. This is coupled with my lack of patience with his attitude which prompts me to take deep breaths and acknowledge that both of us are experiencing anxiety about my departure.  Plus, Jake is a boy of routine and staying home in the morning has thrown him off.  So I took them in at 10ish and will concentrate on PACKING, organizing, doing laundry, making a meal and getting ready for my departure.  Daddy and I decided to have a lunch date so I'm cruising down to the Perimeter area for much needed spouse conversation time before my trip.

I've made arrangements for neighbors and friends to bring meals for most of the evenings that I'll be gone.  Our dear friends the Driggers are our emergency contacts for daycare PLUS have pledged to pick up Jake and Quinn every day around their normal time to help maintain a sense of normalcy AND give me peace of mind that they won't while away in daycare for 10 hours each day.

And of course I need some quiet time with the Lord before my trip.  Reading through Larry and Patty's experience in Haiti last month really has been a wonderful way to prepare my heart for this trip.  I highly encourage you to read through this godly couple's faith walk to and through tent city with the link to their blog:

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