Wednesday, June 8, 2011


please forgive the many grammar errors that are sure to come.  this portuguese keyboard is just different enough to cause some difficulty in typing and my frustration with it is higher than my need to have a perfect message at this moment!  i just tried typing my testimony on word and the program kept changing my words to portuguese.  :  )  but i~m not sure that even the portuguese substitutes were correct. 

wow.  it~s wednesday.  we are half way through our trip.  i have thoroughly enjoyed the updates from daddy...the short anecdotes of their days keep me going.  thanks for posting, daddy! 

the mantra for most mission trips is ~be flexible.  it~s easy advice to GIVE  people but much harder to live.  especially since most of my team mates are used to being in control.  this trip has been an exercise in patience, trust and faith.

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