Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 1

Oi!  Greetings from Londrina, Brazil!  There are so many things going through my head that it is hard to know where to begin...but perhaps the beginning of the journey makes the most sense.

June 3
We met at Hartsfield Friday evening without any obstacles.  Three of our team members are related and they happily crossed paths with some extended family returning from a trip to the Grand Canyon.  It was fun to meet some of the extended clan. After a seamless check in with Delta and brief foray through security, we ventured to the international concourse for dinner and team bonding.

 The flight to Sao Paulo took nearly ten hours and my favorite part was tracking our journey on the movable map screen on the back of the headrest in front of me.  It definitely helped me pass time and even though it was night, I took great satisfaction in crossing over marked land and sea.

Brazil is HUGE...I think 5th largest in both land size and population.  (Compared to the United States as 3rd in each.)  I had flashbacks of driving through the endless terrain of Kansas & Nebraska on family road trips as a child.  We crossed into Brazil and four hours later we still hadn't reached our destination of Sao Paulo.

While in Sao Paulo we passed our 8 hour layover by sharing the last of our team testimonies...mine and Dave's...and then played games and read.  TAM, the Brazilian airline changed gates on us three different times and it was a bit comical trying to make sure we were in the right place as NONE of us speaks Portuguese.


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